****************************************************************************** dorismail 02-Jul-2013 10:20:29 Message No 0885 ****************************************************************************** Author: Ferrage Pascale Subject: SARAL DORIS data Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the SARAL DORIS data are delivered to the CDDIS and IGN DATA Centers. The period of the delivered data starts on March 14 2013, cycle 01, when SARAL has reached a stable configuration (nominal attitude and orbit maneuvers completed) and will continue as described here after. The SARAL DORIS Data will be soon available on IDS DATA Centers and on IDS ftp server: * On IDS DATA Centers: ------------------------------ at CDDIS: ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/doris/ at IGN: ftp://doris.ensg.ign.fr/pub/doris/ or ftp://doris.ign.fr/pub/doris/ - DORIS2.2 files: srldata.MMM.dat.Z in ../pub/doris/data/srl ==> data of 7 days arc, available 4 weeks later - DORIS Rinex files (raw data): srlrxYYDDD.LLL.Z in ../pub/doris/data/srl/2013 ==> 1 file every 24h. - POE orbit files (in SP3 format): ssasrlVV.bXXDDD.eYYEEE.D_S.sp3.LLL.Z in ../pub/doris/products/orbits/ssa/srl ==> one file of data of 7 days arc, available 4 weeks later * IDS ftp server: ----------------- - SARAL macromodel in ftp://ftp.ids-doris.org/pub/ids/satellites/DORISSatelliteModels.pdf - mass & center of mass history file: ftp://ftp.ids-doris.org/pub/ids/satellites/srlmass.txt - maneuver history file: ftp://ftp.ids-doris.org/pub/ids/satellites/srlman.txt Best regards, Pascale FERRAGE __________________________________________________________ CNES - International DORIS Service (IDS): http://ids-doris.org/ DCT/ME/OT- Bpi 612 Phone : 33 - (0)5 61 28 30 66 18, avenue Edouard Belin Mobile: 33- (0)6 87 60 39 70 31 401 TOULOUSE CEDEX 9 Email : Pascale.ferrage@cnes.fr __________________________________________________________