boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01CDDE9B.C7C3CB97" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 20-Dec-2012 10:24:02 Message No 0855 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Soudarin Laurent" Subject: AOGS 2013: session on DORIS and applications This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------_=_NextPart_001_01CDDE9B.C7C3CB97 Dear Colleagues, =20 The 10th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society will be hel= d in Brisbane, Australia,=20 24 - 28 June April 2013.=20 =20 We draw your attention in particular to session "SE01: Advances in DORIS Da= ta Processing and Geophysical Applications" =20 This session will focus on DORIS data processing and scientific application= s of DORIS data and products for geodesy, geodynamics and atmopsheric scien= ces, with or without other sources of data such as GPS and SLR.=20 The intent is to encourage a discussion between groups analyzing DORIS data= for orbitography and/or geodesy,=20 new groups involved in recent and forthcoming missions such as HY-2A and SA= RAL/Altika, and scientists using DORIS results for geodesy, geophysics and = atmospheric studies (ionosphere and troposphere).=20 We solicit papers describing progress in orbit modeling and data processing= and also encourage contributions from scientific users of DORIS data for g= lobal or regional deformation, global mean sea level, natural hazards, refe= rence system realization, and atmospheric studies. Papers that integrate or compare DORIS with other sensors (e.g. GPS, SLR, V= LBI, tide gauge, InSAR) are particularly welcome. =20 Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 29 January 2013 =20 Abstract submission instruction at: lic.asp?page=3Dabstract.htm =20 =20 Please consider submitting a paper for this session or contact us directly = if you have any questions. =20 With best regards, =20 Laurent Soudarin, Collecte Localisation Satellites, France (laurent.soudari= Ramesh Govind, Geosciences Australia, Australia ( Pascal Willis, Institut National de l'Information G=E9ographique et Foresti= er, France ( =20