****************************************************************************** dorismail 19-May-2011 13:30:39 Message No 0751 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Ferrage Pascale" Subject: Jason2 mass file update Dear DORIS data users, I inform you that a small error was detected in the Jason2 mass & center of gravity history file available at the IDS central bureau ftp site: ftp://ftp.ids-doris.org/pub/ids/satellites/ja2mass.txt : The mass The field "Dmass" was uncorrect at the biginning of the mission ( lower than the correct one of 500g) until 2009/10/17. A reprocessing has been performed and the correct file will is now available at IDS Data Centers (CDDIS / IGN) This error should not have any impact in your precess, anyway we apologize for the inconvenience. Best regards, Pascale FERRAGE _____________________________________________________ CNES - International DORIS Service (IDS): http://ids-doris.org/ DCT/ME/OT- Bpi 612 Phone : 33 - (0)5 61 28 30 66 18, avenue Edouard Belin Fax : 33 - (0)5 61 28 25 95 31 401 TOULOUSE CEDEX 9 Email : Pascale.ferrage@cnes.fr _____________________________________________________ Cliquez sur l'url suivante https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/ZSISbSifjy7TndxI!oX7UlEvFrFJ1EkCxUcpHeCID91uuLhsXC0cwTHZr!vQ4QaksLLhqZfKnOetoBNtFUgrMg== si ce message est indésirable (pourriel). Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr