format=flowed ****************************************************************************** dorismail 09-May-2011 20:31:22 Message No 0747 ****************************************************************************** Author: Pascal Willis Subject: Recent DORIS peer-reviewed publications Dear colleagues, for your information, the following peer-reviewed publications related to DORIS are now available on-line: Fadil, A.; Sichoix, L.; Barriot, J.P.; Ortéga, P.; Willis, P.; in press. Evidence for a slow subsidence of the Tahiti Island from GPS, DORIS, and combined satellite altimetry and tide gauge sea level records, COMPTES RENDUS GEOSCIENCES, doi: 10.1016/j.crte.2011.02.002 Teke, K.; Böhm, J.; Nilsson, T.; Schuh, H.; Steigenberger, P.; Dach, R.; Heinkelmann, R.; Willis, P.; Haas, R.; Garcia-Espada, S.; Hobiger, T.; Ichikawa, R.; Shimizu, S., in press. Multi-technique comparison of troposphere zenith delays and gradients during CONT08, JOURNAL OF GEODESY, doi: 10.1007/s00190-010-0434-y The second article is part of a Special Issue in Journal of Geodesy and related to the CONT08 campaign. More articles are available at the Journal Web site at For your information, a complete list of DORIS-related peer-reviewed articles is regularly updated and available at : If you are aware of missing publications in this list, please contact the IDS Central Bureau Best regards John Ries and Pascal Willis -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pascal Willis Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Ph : +33-(0)1-57-27-84-81 Etudes Spatiales et Planetologie FAX: +33-(0)1-57-27-84-82 4, place Jussieu, Case 89 Em : Paris 75252 Cedex 5, France ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliquez sur l'url suivante!HTndxI!oX7UnkyRQ0MRq91Ic3Zt9od59NLsXDK83bHPLl6NtwwqQ0iKBT8JCDnXwqFfmYpsSvVwQ== si ce message est indésirable (pourriel). Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to