****************************************************************************** dorismail 04-Mar-2011 20:35:34 Message No 0737 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Erricos C. Pavlis" Subject: Call for papers: Journal of Geodesy Special Issue on Laser Ranging Author: Erricos C. Pavlis Dear Colleagues, The International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) is organizing the collection of papers dealing with the topics of interest to ILRS, for publication in a Special Issue (SI) of the Journal of Geodesy (JoG). The ILRS has polled its members and found great interest in such an effort. This will be the second Special Issue dedicated to laser ranging (LR) since the establishment of the ILRS in late 1998. We are soliciting high quality papers that will cover the main areas of LR, from the organization of the ILRS to engineering, operations, missions, data analysis, research and scientific products relying on LR, and future prospects. The scope of the contributed papers should cover scientific analyses and research investigations using all types of measurements carried out for Earth and planetary science and related disciplines, as well as aspects of modeling of the data acquired by LR and interpretation of the results. It is our hope that the SI will provide a forum to document the level of interdisciplinary research being carried out with ILRS-collected observations and derived products. If you wish to contribute a paper to the Special Issue on Laser Ranging, please submit the tentative title, author list, and short abstract of your proposed contribution to the guest editors by March 31, 2011. The authors of the accepted manuscripts will receive a notification shortly after this deadline with instructions on how to submit their full manuscript to JoG through the Editorial Manager (http://www.editorialmanager.com/joge) until June 30, 2011, for peer-review. It should be emphasized that the contributions will go through the same critical review process as any other JoG paper. Papers should be focused on special topics and duplications of the main issues have to be avoided. If manuscripts for more than the available journal pages are accepted, we reserve the right to restrict the volume of the Special Issue to the most central papers and shift any others to regular issues of JoG. The final decision of publication remains, as always, with the Editor-in-Chief of JoG. Yours sincerely Erricos C. Pavlis (epavlis@umbc.edu) Graham Appleby (Graham.appleby@nerc.ac.uk) Guest Editors to Journal of Geodesy +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dr. Erricos C. Pavlis Phone:+1 (410) 455-5832 Research Scientist FAX: +1 (410) 455-5868 US Mobile: +1-240-381-9879 EU Mobile: +30-694-241-5079 Chair, ILRS Analysis Working Group Goddard Earth Science and Technology Center, (GEST/UMBC) University of Maryland, Baltimore County & NASA Goddard Academic IV Wing A Suite 114E 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, Maryland U S A 21250 epavlis@umbc.edu +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr