****************************************************************************** dorismail 09-Feb-2011 23:22:33 Message No 0732 ****************************************************************************** Author: Frank Lemoine Subject: New Meeting Date and Deadlines for Fall AGU, Starting in 2011. Dear Colleagues- I forward below the following message below recently sent by the American Geophysical Union. Please note that the abstract deadline is advanced from early September to August 4. This is necessary to due the ever increasing number of attendees at the Fall Meeting (18789 registrants for the Fall 2010 meeting). Also, please note that Session Proposals may be made to the AGU program chairs through April 20, 2011. For more information please review the AGU website (http://earth.agu.org). Best regards, Frank Lemoine IDS Analysis Coordinator ============================================================== TO: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Members FROM: John Bates, Chair AGU Meetings Committee Kathy Hibbard, Chair Fall Meeting Program Committee SUBJECT: No 0732 : New AGU Fall Meeting Timelines AGU’s Fall Meeting is the premier event for Earth and space sciences, attracting the best and brightest geoscientists from around the world. Over the past decade, meeting attendance has grown six to eight percent each year. The 2010 Fall Meeting hosted 19,000 attendees, with nearly 6,000 attending from outside the U.S., and we expect a similar level of participation at the 2011 Fall Meeting. Supporting the growing interest in the Fall Meeting and maintaining the high quality of AGU science and AGU’s reputation for excellent meetings necessitates adjustments to some key deadlines. Session proposal and abstract timelines for the 5-9 December 2011 Fall Meeting are: * Session proposal submission: 25 February - 20 April (Proposal Deadline is 20 April) * Abstract submission: 8 June - 4 August (Abstract Deadline is 4 August) * Availability of the Meeting Program: week of 15 September These new deadlines will ensure that AGU is able to meet the expectations of all meeting participants, while effectively managing the publications and other logistics deadlines. The AGU Meetings Committee and AGU staff are committed to improving the Fall Meeting and ensuring that it continues to be the premier meeting of geophysics. We encourage members to organize sessions, submit abstracts, and contact the Meetings Committee, Fall Meeting Program Committee, and work with their Section and Focus Groups to make the 2011 Fall Meeting the best ever. Please send comments or questions tomeetingsdir@agu.org . Cliquez sur l'url suivante https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/BtUHVZ3SF1TTndxI!oX7UlK7uOqmL!e8NPrFzdFs1Kdn+rBjWq4Tk5SpkKMUFpenbfShgGCNT+JTQ40Is2HDWw== si ce message est indésirable (pourriel). Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr