****************************************************************************** dorismail 03-Feb-2011 11:39:38 Message No 0728 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Jerome SAUNIER" Subject: Network/ removal MONUMENT PEAK #### BEGIN HEADER #### DORISMail version 1.1 Subject: No 0728 : Network/ removal MONUMENT PEAK #### END HEADER #### Dear colleagues, Due to conflict in frequency at Monument Peak between the DORIS beacon and a nearby US TV 2GHz microwave relay system, we were obliged to permanently stop broadcastings last year (2010, February 6th). We are currently looking for a new location in California. The DORIS Station at Monument Peak will be soon completely removed. This station was initially installed in November 2005 in the premises of the NASA MOBLAS-4 Satellite Laser Ranging tracking station. We lost a good three technique collocation site (DORIS+GNSS+SLR). We would like to thank the staff for his good collaboration for more than 4 years. Concerned site : #### BEGIN SITE #### Site name : MONUMENT PEAK #### Site DOMES number : 40497 #### #### END SITE #### Transmissions from the Starec antenna MOOB stopped. Concerned station : #### BEGIN STATION #### Four character ID : MOOB #### Station DOMES number : 40497S009 #### Removal date (dd/mm/yyyy) : 06/02/2010 #### #### END STATION #### Best regards, Jérôme SAUNIER Réseaux et Services Internationaux Service de Géodésie et Nivellement Institut Géographique National 2, avenue Pasteur 94 165 SAINT MANDE Cedex Cliquez sur l'url suivante https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/IoR2dFknENfTndxI!oX7UlEvFrFJ1EkC85gAvhE!q!2Fmv9XiitSyKLcEbxnlyHcGT4xwSM4sZq8ewgPpp7kgg== si ce message est indésirable (pourriel). Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr