****************************************************************************** dorismail 05-Jan-2011 10:49:37 Message No 0721 ****************************************************************************** Author: altamimi Subject: G2.1 session on reference frames at EGU2011 Author: Zuheir Altamimi & Jim Ray Subject: No 0721 : G2.1 session on reference frames at EGU2011 Dear Colleagues, We would like to remind you that the deadline for EGU2011 abstract submission is January 10, 2011 and to encourage you to contribute to G2.1 session on reference frames. Wishing you a Happy New Year 2011 and best regards Zuheir Altamimi, zuheir.altamimi@ign.fr, Institut Geographique National Jim Ray, jim.ray@noaa.gov, National Geodetic Survey EGU General Assembly -- Vienna, Austria, 03 - 08 April 2011 http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2011/ Dear Colleagues, The General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union will be held in Vienna, Austria, 03 - 08 April 2011. We draw your attention in particular to session "G2.1 Improved Terrestrial Reference Frames for Higher-Accuracy Applications" Fundamental to many demanding Earth science applications, precise orbit determination, terrestrial positioning and geo-referencing is the availability of a truly global terrestrial reference frame (TRF) that only space geodesy is able to provide. The session solicits contributions covering the complete range of topics, including conceptual definitions, improved methods to realize TRFs by individual techniques, single- and multi-technique combination methods, and better TRF utilization for applications in geosciences. Of special interest to the session are papers dealing with data analysis of space geodesy techniques, including correction models and parameter estimation, identifying and mitigating systematic errors, and quantifying their impact on TRF accuracy. The goal should be attaining 1 mm long-term accuracy and 0.1 mm/yr stability. 10 January 2011: Deadline for receipt of abstracts at http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2011/abstract_management/how_to_submit_an_abstract.html Please consider submitting a paper for this session or contact us directly if you have any questions. Sincerely, Zuheir Altamimi, zuheir.altamimi@ign.fr, Institut Geographique National Jim Ray, jim.ray@noaa.gov, National Geodetic Survey -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Zuheir Altamimi Email : altamimi@ensg.ign.fr Institut Geographique National Phone : 33 1 64 15 32 55 ENSG/LAREG FAX : 33 1 64 15 32 53 6-8 Avenue Blaise Pascal 77455 Champs-sur-Marne, FRANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zuheir Altamimi Email : zuheir.altamimi@ign.fr Institut Geographique National Phone : 33 1 64 15 32 55 Service de la recherche / LAREG FAX : 33 1 64 15 32 53 c/o ENSG 6-8 Avenue Blaise Pascal 77455 Champs-sur-Marne, FRANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr