****************************************************************************** dorismail 19-Jul-2010 09:45:40 Message No 0681 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Ferrage Pascale" Subject: CryoSat2 data Dear colleagues, CryoSat-2 DORIS data will be delivered to the CDDIS and IGN DATA Centers from July 19, 2010: The period of the delivered data starts on Mai 30 2010, arc 8, when Cryosat-2 has reached a stable configuration (nominal attitude and orbit manoeuvers completed). The Cryosat2 available Doris Data will be the following ones: * On IDS DATA Centers (CDDIS/IGN): ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/doris/ and ftp://doris.ensg.ign.fr/pub/doris/ -------------------------------------------- DORIS2.2 files: name: cs2data.MMM.dat.Z at ../pub/doris/data/cs2 ==> data of 7 days arc, available 3 weeks later DORIS Rinex files (raw data): cs2rxYYDDD.LLL.Z at ../pub/doris/data/cs2/2010 ==> every 24h POE orbit files (in SP3 format): cccsssVV.bXXDDD.eYYEEE.dgs.sp3.LLL.Z at ../pub/doris/products/orbits/ssa/cs2 ==> 7 days arc, available 3 weeks later * IDS ftp server: ----------------- mass history file: cs2mass.txt at ftp://ftp.ids-doris.org/pub/ids/satellites/ manoeuver history file: cs2man.txt at ftp://ftp.ids-doris.org/pub/ids/satellites/ Best regards, Pascale FERRAGE _____________________________________________________ CNES - International DORIS Service (IDS): http://ids-doris.org/ DCT/ME/OT- Bpi 612 Phone : 33 - (0)5 61 28 30 66 18, avenue Edouard Belin Fax : 33 - (0)5 61 28 25 95 31 401 TOULOUSE CEDEX 9 Email : Pascale.ferrage@cnes.fr _____________________________________________________ Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr