****************************************************************************** dorismail 13-Nov-2009 23:17:14 Message No 0625 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Erricos C. Pavlis" Subject: 2010 EGU Session G4: Integration of Geodetic Techniques: A Coordinated GGOS Approach Author: Erricos Pavlis [This message has been sent to the ILRS, IVS, IGS and IDS exploders, please do not re-forward it to such addresses] Dear Colleagues, We would like to bring to your attention the following session that we are organizing during the 2010 EGU General Assembly, Wien, May 02-07, 2010, and encourage you to participate, submitting a presentation. Please pass this information to colleagues of yours who may be interested. For your convenience we include below the critical deadlines to be observed over the next two months and useful links associated with the meeting. We hope to see you in Wien! "Integration of Geodetic Techniques: A Coordinated GGOS Approach" (G4) (For details, see also the session description below) Using this link you are asked to log in to the Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2010/session/1933 You may submit the text of your contribution as plain text, LaTeX, or MS Word content. Please pay attention to the First Author Rule as described at: http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2010/abstract_management/ how_to_submit_an_abstract.html The deadline for the receipt of Abstracts is 18 Jan 2010. =========================================== In case you would like to apply for support, please submit your request no later than 04 Dec 2009 at: http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2009/support_and_distinction/ financial_support.html Further information about the EGU General Assembly 2010 can be found at: http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2010, and information about EGU itself can be found at http://www.egu.eu. In case any questions arise, please contact us! Thanks for your time and looking forward to meeting you all in Wien! Erricos, Jim, Frank and Axel ************************************************************************ ****** G4 Integration of Geodetic Techniques: A Coordinated GGOS Approach Convener: Erricos C. Pavlis Co-Conveners: Jim R Ray, Frank G. Lemoine, Axel Nothnagel As the implementation of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) gains momentum, careful scrutiny is needed to assure a closer integration across all IAG techniques. Efforts should include both observational and analysis components. This session brings together all of the contributing techniques and provides a forum where each can present their plans to modernize the treatment of the geodetic observations, as well as the geodetic infrastructure used to collect these observations (ground- and space-based). Some of the major international agencies have already embarked on major renewal efforts. Closer coordination of efforts to develop an efficient and robust global infrastructure to collect and optimally analyze the data seems warranted. The goal should be further improvement in the accuracy and stability of our products, including reduction of systematic errors that can only be fully exposed through inter- technique comparisons. Integrating the information collected by each individual technique into combined products should make maximal use of information inherent in each observable. At the same time though it will require a closer collaboration of those who collect and analyze that data, and a more in-depth understanding of all techniques. We solicit presentations on all aspects of: future ground networks as well as satellite constellations, novel combination techniques of geodetic observations, future product developments enabled by the integration of techniques, accuracy assessment of these products, etc. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dr. Erricos C. Pavlis Phone: +1 (410) 455-5832 Research Scientist FAX: +1 (410) 455-5868 US Mobile: +1-240-381-9879 EU Mobile: +30-694-241-5079 Chair, ILRS Analysis Working Group Goddard Earth Science and Technology Center, (GEST/UMBC) University of Maryland, Baltimore County & NASA Goddard Academic IV Wing A Suite 114E 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, Maryland U S A 21250 epavlis@umbc.edu +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr