****************************************************************************** dorismail 22-May-2009 12:17:25 Message No 0605 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Lemoine, Frank G. (GSFC-6980)" Subject: Call for Proposals for the Restructured GGFC Call for Proposals for the Restructured GGFC IERS GGFC Call for Special Bureau Chairs and Operational Products within the Restructured GGFC Under the direction of its Directing Board, the IERS Central Bureau is releasing this Call for Proposals, whose purpose is to restructure the Global Geophysical Fluids Center (GGFC) within the IERS. The structural changes are being instituted to 1) allow for the establishment of operational products, i.e., those products, which are provided with regularity and which have been evaluated as being reliable and precise; and to 2) allow for inclusion of new operational products. The complete text of the call with detailed information on objectives, guidelines, deadline for submission (August 15, 2009), and background information can be found at http://www.iers.org/documents/Calls/IERS_GGFC_CfP.pdf (PDF document) or is available on request. IERS Central Bureau Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie Richard-Strauss-Allee 11 60598 Frankfurt am Main Germany phone : +49-69-6333-273/261/250 fax : +49-69-6333-425 e-mail: central_bureau@iers.org URL : www.iers.org Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr