****************************************************************************** dorismail 02-Oct-2008 15:45:15 Message No 0554 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Pascal Willis" Subject: DORIS Special Issue in Advances in Space Research (2009) Dear Colleagues, The previous DORIS Special Issue in Journal of Geodesy (2006) was quite successful but is now getting rather old. We would like to take the opportunity of the future IDS Workshop in Nice to consider the possibility of a second DORIS Special Issue in the near future. After discussion within the IDS Governing Board, I already contacted Peggy Shea, Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Space Research and received a very positive answer. As I am one of the Associate Editors of this Journal, I could serve again as Guest Editor for this future DORIS Special Issue. Advances in Space Research is part of the ISI Web of Science. Here is a tentative schedule that I have currently in mind and that we could discuss and finalize at the IDS Workshop in Nice. February 2009: Official call for manuscript submission. March - May 2009: Submission of manuscripts using the current JASR Web site (http://ees.elsevier.com/asr/). Elsevier agreed to create a new "DORIS" category just for us. June - October 2009: Review process using the same policy as any paper submitted to Advances in Space Research. Articles would be accepted independently and would be available on Internet with a DOI, as soon as they are accepted, on a paper by paper basis. As last time, I propose to have at least one reviewer not directly linked with DORIS or IDS in general. Papers in which I am author or co-author will be handled separately by an anonymous Editor. Note that Advances in Space Research policy is to have at least two reviewers for every paper. December 2009 - February 2010: publication of the full Special Issue by Elsevier Topics should include use of DORIS data or results in a broad sense. Multi-technique use for geodetic or geophysical purposes are encouraged. Results from new missions (such as Jason-2) or plans for future missions are also very welcome. Finally new scientific investigations, for example within atmospheric sciences (ionosphere, troposphere) are expected. Finally manuscripts describing more operational aspects of the DORIS system, of DORIS data processing from analysis centers, and from combination centers within the scope of the International DORIS Service (IDS) or the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) are also welcome. As last time, I would appreciate, if potential authors could contact me in advance (if possible before January 1, 2009, but it is not a requirement), providing a tentative title and a tentative list of authors. People who contact me in advance will receive regular information on the status of the Special Issue (number of papers submitted, number of papers accepted, updated timetable for publication, etc.). Finally, there will be an official call for submission to this Special Issue around February 2009. This will done using the DORISMail, as well as other channels (IAG Newsletter,...). All submissions will be considered for review. Manuscripts do not need to be linked with a presentation at the IDS Workshop in Nice. However, people presenting new results at this meeting are encouraged to submit a manuscript to this Special Issue, but it is not a requirement. If you have any question or suggestion about this Special Issue, please feel free to contact me Best regards Pascal ----------------------------- Pascal Willis Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris UFR STEP / GSP Bat Lamarck Case 7011 75205 Paris Cedex 13 France Phone: +33-(0)1 57 27 84 81 Em: willis@ipgp.jussieu.fr http://www.ipgp.jussieu.fr/~willis ----------------------------- Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr