****************************************************************************** dorismail 26-Sep-2008 19:20:26 Message No 0553 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Tavernier Gilles" Subject: IDS Workshop 2008 - important deadlines Dear colleagues, In order to allow you to submit new abstracts, we decided to postpone the deadline to the 10th of October (same as OSTST). New contributions are welcome. Authors will be notified about oral/poster presentation on October 21st. We remind you that registration cost will increase after October 15th. http://www.ostst-godae-2008.com/frontoffice/index.php?id_lang=2&id_rub=9 3 Last but not least, there are still some rooms available in some of the hotels (http://www.ostst-godae-2008.com/frontoffice/index.php?id_lang=2&id_rub= 96). Please download and use the form available on this page. Theses rooms won't be available this way after Monday, September 29th. We look forward to meeting you in Nice, Pascale Ferrage, Laurent Soudarin, Gilles Tavernier, Frank Lemoine Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr