****************************************************************************** dorismail 07-Feb-2007 12:40:28 Message No 0480 ****************************************************************************** Author: Jim Ray "(NGS" 301-713-2850 "x112)" Subject: IERS Workshop on Conventions Author: IERS (forwarded by Jim Ray) ************************************************************************ IERS Message No. 109 February 07, 2007 ************************************************************************ IERS Workshop on Conventions: First Announcement A workshop on the IERS Conventions will be organized on 20-21 September 2007 (Thursday-Friday), at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures in Sevres, France. Scientific objectives: During the last three years, the IERS Conventions Center has worked on updating the IERS Conventions (2003). Since 2005 it has benefited from the help of the Advisory Board on IERS Conventions update. This work is reflected in the web site http://tai.bipm.org/iers/convupdt/convupdt.html which keeps track of all updates since the 2003 version. Nevertheless much remains to be done in order to present a consistent set, in agreement with the current state of knowledge, and to have it actually put to practice by analysis centers. The goals of the workshop are * to discuss models recently introduced or considered for introduction in the Conventions, and to present results of tests for these models; * to define the directions towards a next edition of the IERS Conventions in the not too far future (200X); * to discuss possible longer term issues either institutional (e.g. scope of the Conventions, links to GGOS Working Group on Conventions, Analysis and Modelling) or technical, such as the definition of the regularized positions of stations (which displacement effects should modeled and removed in the analysis, and which should not). Scientific Organizing Committee: F. Arias, B. Luzum, G. Petit (chair), J. Ray, B. Richter, J. Ries, H. Schuh, T. van Dam Contact: Gerard Petit Time, frequency and gravimetry section, BIPM Address: Pavillon de Breteuil 92312 Sevres FRANCE Phone: (33)1-45077067 FAX: (33)1-45077059 E-mail: gpetit@bipm.org Additional information: A web page for the workshop will be available at a later date, with the second announcement and call for papers. It will be also reachable through the IERS web site at http://www.iers.org/MainDisp.csl?pid=65-245. Note also that the Workshop will take place just after the Journees 2007, which is scheduled 17-19 September in Meudon (see http://syrte.obspm.fr/journees2007/). The BIPM is about 3 km from Meudon Observatory. ************************************************************************ IERS Messages are edited and distributed by the IERS Central Bureau. To subscribe or unsubscribe, please write to . Archives: http://www.iers.org/iers/publications/messages/ ************************************************************************ Cliquez sur l'url suivante https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/cr3GxYHIK3482v5ICUBiINrs+R!iBB4SHQpqvP80mygcDFllrHaXj!QcdCXZ3XbMUpf8iCy6W5+U1vcp6bZADaA8wFIGTeLXSRRmGNwcFbY9a2Le8GFSf8GeDYMZgYHv88Cb8JesTUTNQGxFzG2ahjkk3rXk+gGwRcyi5C3p!RNKafDcHkFfetUTbbq8PlXru+zQQ2!kI9fw2RMJPue4ig1bJDV!Wn6a si ce message est ind?sirable (pourriel). Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr