****************************************************************************** dorismail 08-Dec-2005 11:56:28 Message No 0429 ****************************************************************************** Author: Laurent Soudarin Subject: IDS web site update: bibliography reorganized Dear colleagues, the "Bibliography" section of the IDS web site ( http://ids.cls.fr/html/report/publications.html) has been recently reorganized in 3 new pages: - citation: the article "Tavernier et al., The International DORIS Service (IDS), Adv. Space Res, 2005" is suggested for citation in papers and presentations that rely on DORIS data and results. - peer-reviewed journals: list of papers related to DORIS published in international peer-reviewed journals - on-line publications: list of downloadable documents (full articles, abstracts, PowerPoint presentations, animations...) If you are aware of other articles related to DORIS in international peer-reviewed journals, please contact ids.central.bureau@cls.fr . If you want to add other documents related to DORIS (abstracts, presentations, articles...), please send them to ids.central.bureau@cls.fr . We are awaiting presentations in meetings (EGU, AGU, COSPAR, IAG, IERS...) from the last 3 years. Click on http://ids.cls.fr/html/about_ids/news.html to discover the other updates of the IDS web site. Best regards, Laurent Soudarin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laurent SOUDARIN Tel : +33 (0)5 61 39 48 49 Laurent.Soudarin @ cls.fr Fax : +33 (0)5 61 39 48 06 International DORIS Service http://ids.cls.fr IDS Central Bureau IDS.central.bureau @ cls.fr IDS webmaster webmaster_ids @ cls.fr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr