****************************************************************************** dorismail 23-Nov-2005 21:10:04 Message No 0426 ****************************************************************************** Author: Pascal Willis Subject: DORIS Special Issue Journal of Geodesy - update Dear colleagues, Concerning the DORIS Special Issue in the Journal of Geodesy: 7 manuscripts were submitted and are currently under review (some of the first reviews were already received) 4 were withdrawn by their authors 15 are still expected in the next few weeks So everything is going well, but a little slower than previously expected. Best regards Pascal NB: just as a reminder, authors need to send their manuscript to SpatialSciences@exchange.curtin.edu.au with a copy to the Editor-in-chief: Will Featherstone and a copy to me as Guest Editor. They must state that the article has not been submitted elsewhere. They also have the possibility to suggest possible reviewers. See complete instructions in previous DORISMails -- Pascal Willis Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 238-646 Ph : 1-818-393-4748 4800 Oak Grove Drive FAX: 1-818-393-4965 Pasadena CA 91109 Em : Pascal.R.Willis@jpl.nasa.gov Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr