****************************************************************************** DORISMail 13-Sep-2005 15:11:08 Message No 0403 ****************************************************************************** Author: Escudier Philippe Subject: RE : [DORISMail] No 0402 : Farewell to IDS Martine, I would like to thank you for your major contribution to the IDS. The accomplishments obtained under your coordination are really impressive and were key to reach the maturity it has now obtained. It is really important for us, Space Agency, to see the valorisation of what has been done by the engineers from technological research and development to system development and operations. All this would be a dead-end without the motivated and efficient action of people which turns this "beautiful engineer object" into a real service to users. We wish you the best for your future "quieter" life. Sincerely Philippe Escudier Altimetry and Precise Positionning Service CNES -----Message d'origine----- De : Martine Feissel-Vernier [mailto:feissel@ensg.ign.fr] Envoyé : mardi 13 septembre 2005 09:57 À : dorismail@ensg.ign.fr Cc : Jean-Claude Vernier; feissel@ensg.ign.fr Objet : [DORISMail] No 0402 : Farewell to IDS ****************************************************************************** DORISMail 13-Sep-2005 10:14:24 Message No 0402 ****************************************************************************** Author: Martine Feissel-Vernier Subject: No 0403 : Farewell to IDS Dear colleagues, I will leave at the end of October 2005 the function of IDS Analysis Coordinator that I initiated in February 2002. I will then move from astronomical and geodetic research to a hopefully quieter life. During these three years I benefited from the support of Paris Observatory, Institut Géographique National (IGN), Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS). I was able to develop a small team, with Karine Le Bail at IGN/LAREG and Jean-Jacques Valette (CLS) at the IDS Central Bureau. The main accomplishments in the joint action of the Analysis Coordinator team and the Central Bureau may be summarized as follows. - Development of an Analysis Coordination website to help DORIS data analysts to find the various informations they need. This site is complementary to the IDS Central Bureau one. - Finalisation of the IDS Data Centers structure, together with Carey Noll, Data Flow Coordinator, the Central Bureau and the Analysis Centers. - Initialisation of the development of DORIS data analysis in the Bernese software, with the participation of U. Hugentobler (AIUB), P. Stepanek (Prag University) and K. Le Bail (IGN/LAREG), the technical support of CNES and CLS colleagues, and the financial support of IGN and CNES. An analysis center is currently being installed at Pecny Observatory. - Participation in the 2002 IDS Analysis Campaign and coordination of the 2003 IDS Analysis Campaign "Impact of GRACE gravity field models on IDS products" that allowed evaluation of the precision and accuracy of series of station coordinates and of terrestrial reference frames origin, scale and orientation. - Organisation of discussion meetings and web-posting of contributions, in 2002 in Biarritz, 2003 in Marne la Vallée and 2004 in Paris. - Setting up of the DORIS Reports series and the ids.analysis discussion forum to respond to the growing discussion flow among DORIS data analysts. - Implementation by J.-J. Valette at the Central Bureau of the IGN/LAREG CATREF software to analyse and combine time series of station coordinates and terrestrial pole coordinates, with the technical support of Z. Altamimi. - Development by K. Le Bail of statistical methods and diagnostics to evaluate the stability of space-geodetic time series. - Contributions to scientific meetings and publications of articles showing the metrological properties of the DORIS terrestrial reference frame (TRF) products. In particular we showed that, thanks to a white noise error spectrum, the long term stability of the DORIS TRF matches the level of the other space-geodetic techniques. - Scientific discussion of DORIS-derived geocenter motion and comparison with other space-geodetic results and geophysical data. - Participation in IERS projects involving the IDS. Discussion of the contributions of the three IDS analysis centers IGN-JPL, INASAN and LEGOS-CLS to the ITRF2004 . Note that the IGN-JPL and INASAN solutions are highly correlated (same software and analysis procedures), which means that we have only two independant solutions to contribute to a unique IDS input solution for ITRF2004. I listed at URL http://lareg.ensg.ign.fr/IDS/doc/biblio.html our main contributions to the analysis and promotion of DORIS results over 2002-2005. I thank all the IDS participants who helped us in these tasks. I want to particularly acknowledge the efficient support of Gilles Tavernier and Sophie Coutin-Faye at CNES, of Laurent Soudarin at CLS, of Carey Noll at NASA and of course the contribution of the Analysis Centers. These activities will continue without me, as the team work goes on. The following supports will be at the future Analysis Coordinator's disposal: - At the IDS Central Bureau, J.-J. Valette is in charge of the CATREF analysis and combination of time series of TRFs and pole coordinates. A third analysis center, Geoscience Australia-GSFC, is expected to come on line soon, making it possible to perform a valid combination, and therefore contribute to IERS at the same level as VLBI, SLR and GPS. - At IGN/LAREG, thanks to a CNES grant, K. Le Bail will continue to develop and implement statistical evaluations of IDS terrestrial products, an important step in the preparation of their optimal combination. Thanks to a CNES grant, she will study a global combination method including both the terrestrial and orbital references. She will also maintain the Analysis coordination website, in coordination with L. Soudarin at the Central Bureau. I really enjoyed working with all of you and wish you great achievements in the future. The DORIS technique is worth it! Martine Feissel-Vernier IDS Analysis Coordinator, 2002-2005 Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr