Dear colleagues, for your information, you can now access the DPOD2000 frame (positions, velocities mostly based on ITRF2000 as well as quality codes for POD uses) at CDDIS. 2 files are provided: in sinex format in text format There is a also a readme file providing more information In the future, we plan to update this file from time to time, when new DORIS stations are added to the permanent tracking network. We would then add a new version number at the end of the file name (eg dpod2000_1.snx.Z) to avoid any confusion. A complete description of the DPOD2000 reference frame can be found in : Defining a DORIS core network for Jason-1 precise orbit determination based on ITRF2000, Methods and realization, P. Willis. J.C. Ries, J. Geod., 2005, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-005-0475-9, in press. Proper reference for citation would be appreciated Best regards Pascal Willis and John Ries NB: we will update the citation in a future DORISMail when we get the final publication information -- Pascal Willis Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 238-646 Ph : 1-818-393-4748 4800 Oak Grove Drive FAX: 1-818-393-4965 Pasadena CA 91109 Em : Click here to report this email as spam.