****************************************************************************** DORISMail 10-Jun-2005 15:46:35 Message No 0388 ****************************************************************************** Author: Laurent soudarin Subject: DORIS stations coordinates time series available from the IDS Dear colleagues, Weekly time series from IGN/JPL Analysis Center and monthly time series from LEGOS-CLS Analysis Center are now available from the IDS web site: http://ids.cls.fr/html/doris/ids-station-series.php3 DORIS stations are listed in a table with links to the data files (stcd) and plots (in gif format) stored at the CDDIS Data Center. Files will be updated regularly (every week for IGN/JPL). Other IDS Analysis Centers willing to put their plots are welcome. They just have to contact the Central Bureau. The software used for the plots will be be available on the IDS ftp server soon. Your comments on the web page and products are welcome. Best regards. The IDS Central Bureau Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr