****************************************************************************** DORISMail 14-Oct-2004 12:01:41 Message No 0353 ****************************************************************************** Author: Laurent Soudarin Subject: Opening of the IDS analysis forum Dear colleagues, Following the IDS Plenary Meeting held in Paris in May, there was a recommendation to implement an Analysis Discussion Forum in order to share in the present, and secure for the future, information, questions and answers on the problems encountered in the DORIS data analysis. We are very pleased to announce the availability of the new IDS analysis forum: ids.analysis.forum@cls.fr A first mail was sent to an initial list of 42 potential participants. If you want to be added or removed from the discussion list, send an email to sympa@cls.fr with one of the following subject: subscribe ids.analysis.forum (your name) or signoff ids.analysis.forum The archive of the forum will be found at the following address: http://listes.cls.fr/wws/info/ids.analysis.forum For the search for a subject on the web archive, use Search or "recherche avancée" for advanced search. To check the distribution list of the forum, subscribers need to send an email to sympa@cls.fr with the following message: review ids.analysis.forum Messages sent to the forum will be moderated by the Analysis Coordination (mainly to avoid spam messages). Best regards from the IDS Central Bureau. Laurent Soudarin Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr