****************************************************************************** DORISMail 24-Feb-2004 07:17:17 Message No 0303 ****************************************************************************** Author: Granier Jean-Pierre Subject: JASON 1 status Dear colleagues Due to a ground problem, JASON 1 was in Safe Hold Mode from february, 15th 00:41 UTC, pointing toward the sun. This stable configuration was used to investigate the cause of the incident and check the health of the spacecraft. Then a series of command has been uploaded to return the satellite to nominal mode. Safe hold mode recovery has been successfully performed on February, 20th. The satellite entered in AOCS NOMINAL mode (i.e. back in its nominal earth pointing mode at 11h50 UTC and in Command Control NOMINAL mode at 20h33 UTC). DORIS has remained ON during the incident and DIODE has operated continually during this period. The instruments have been respectively set ON at around : 22h30 UTC (POSEIDON) on February, 20th 00h35 UTC (JMR) on February, 21st 00h45 UTC (TRSR) on February, 21st. Nominal mission operation resumed. Best regards Jean-Pierre Granier Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr