****************************************************************************** DORISMail 10-Jun-2003 09:39:31 Message No 0244 ****************************************************************************** Author: Granier Jean-Pierre Subject: Lack of DORIS/ENVISAT Data Dear colleagues, DORIS/ENVISAT, data are not available from 03/15/2003 to 03/17/2003 , due to Payload anomaly, DORIS MVR switch OFF. from 03/17/2003 to 03/20/2003 12:42:00, due to holes in data during DIODE Navigator reconfiguration. We remind you that all information about DORIS system events is avalable at the following address: http://ids.cls.fr/cgis/events.cgi Best regards Jean-Pierre Granier Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr