Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=iso-8859-1 X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id h1I6VBn21641 ****************************************************************************** DORISMail 14-Feb-2003 16:16:38 Message No 0223 ****************************************************************************** Author: Martine Feissel-Vernier Subject: New information and data centers organisation Dear colleagues A new organisation of the DORIS Pilot Experiment information and data centers has been set up. Guidelines of this re-organisation were ease of access and clarification of responsibilities. The system icludes three types of data/information centers: - CB: the Central Bureau web and ftp sites at CLS - DC: the Data Center(s): CDDIS (web and ftp sites) and IGN - AC: the Analysis Coordinator webpage at IGN/LAREG The baseline storage rules are as follows. . DC store observational data, products, formats and analysis descriptions. The DCs will issue monthly bulletins (with respective dates shifted by 1/2 month) giving the current status of the data and product storage. . CB produces/stores/maintains basic information on the DORIS system, including various standard models (satellites, receivers, signal, reference frames, etc). . AC refers to CB and DC information on the data and modelling, and generates/stores analyses of the products. Please see for more organisational details and links to the centers. The new structure is now available at the data centers; older archive directories will be removed in the near future. Users are encouraged to update their data retrieve processes to utilize the new directory structure at the data centers. Analysis Centers willing to submit products to the DCs must first get a username at the DCs (, Comments on this new structure are welcome. Martine Feissel-Vernier Analysis Coordinator Edouard Gaulué IGN Data Center Carey Noll CDDIS Data Center Jean-Jacques Valette Central Bureau Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to