Subject: [DORISMail] No 0218 : New DORIS/IGN products available at CDDIS ****************************************************************************** DORISMail 27-Jan-2003 17:44:16 Message No 0218 ****************************************************************************** Author: Pascal Willis Subject: New DORIS/IGN products available at CDDIS Dear all, in view of the near-to-come IDS workshop in Marne-la-Vallee, I have put for you several updated DORIS products at CDDIS for different types of users. DORIS data have been reprocessed for the 1993 - 2002 (until October) period using all presently available DORIS data at CDDIS. As requested by the analysis coordinator, there are description files for all of those independent products (see for naming convention and detailed content description). However, as it is quite tedious to read into all details of all these files, please let me summarize here the different solutions that you may find at CDDIS on anonymous ftp ( You may find more easily the products that could be better suited to your needs. 1)for geocenter studies pub/doris/products/geoc/ign02wd02.geoc.Z (1 file) NB: the previous anomalous 120-day period has disappeared due to a better handling of TOPEX solar pressure estimation. I have also added in the file the scale factor estimation. For interested people the "strange" results that can be seen in the Z-translation as well as the scale factor were obtained using early 1998 DORIS data that correspond to a different recording mode of the SPOT-4 DORIS receiver. 2)for EOP studies pub/doris/products/eop/ign02wd02.eop.Z (1 file) NB: this contains all satellite solutions, including the recent SPOT-5 and ENVISAT data but not (yet) JASON data for reasons that will be discussed during the workshop 3)for stations coordinates studies For all those solutions, coordinates are given in ITRF2000, ie TRF projection and adequate transformation have been performed, so coordinates and EOP are given in a consistent terrestrial reference frame and can be used directly. Time series of coordinates can be obtained directly from those files. All solutions are expressed in sinex format, including EOP. Be careful, for some stations, several points have been defined for the same DORIS acronym and DOMES number (see documentation for details) 3.1) global solution pub/doris/products/sinex_global/ign/ign02d02.snx.Z (1 file) 3.2) monthly solutions pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignmd/ignYYDDDmd02.snx.Z (118 files) 3.3) weekly solutions pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignYYDDDwd02.snx.Z (514 files) 4)for advanced stations coordinates studies such as sinex combination with other DORIS solution and/or other techniques (with or without EOP information) For all the following solutions, coordinates are given in free network solutions, ie TRF projection and adequate transformation have not been performed, so coordinates are not given in a consistent terrestrial reference frame. All solutions are expressed in sinex format. Be careful, for some stations, several points have been defined for the same DORIS acronym and DOMES number (see documentation for details) Geocenter information can be reconstructed from those monthly and weekly sinex files. 4.1) global solution pub/doris/products/sinex_global/ign/ign02d03.snx.Z (with velocity constraints, ie KERA and KERB have almost the same estimated velocity) (1 file) pub/doris/products/sinex_global/ign/ign02d04.snx.Z (without velocity constraints, all points are considered to have an totally independent velocity) (1 file) 4.2) monthly solutions pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignmd/ignYYDDDmd03.snx.Z (118 files) (only projection and transformation in rotation have been performed) 4.3) weekly solutions pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignYYDDDwd03.snx.Z (514 files) (only projection and transformation in rotation have been performed). For historical comparisons, the previous times series have been kept at CDDIS too (*02d01*), but in my opinion 02d02 and 02d03 should superseed this original submission. Please note also that in the sinex individual files, there is also a lot of information concerning the statistics of the solution as well as the DORIS observing schedule (periods of observation, number of daily DORIS observations available and used, number and name of DORIS satellites used). Please feel free to recontact me if you find any errors or if you have any questions on those new solutions. If you have new results concerning any of these products I would appreciate to be kept informed. There is a lot of additional information that I couldn't put in this message nor in the description file that could help your further analysis. Best regards Pascal Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.