****************************************************************************** DORISMail 28-May-2002 12:38:03 Message No 0192 ****************************************************************************** IERS SINEX Combination Campaign Call for Participation Objective: It is the intention of this campaign to combine 'weekly' solutions from SINEX files of different techniques with station coordinates and EOPs (and ICRF) and to assess systematic biases between the individual techniques. New combination strategies should be developed by the combination centres and the comparison of the different combined solutions should result in an improvement of strategies, modeling and parameterization. If appropriate combination methods are found, the combined 'weekly' solutions may serve in the future as the basis for routine EOP products and, as a long term goal, we can combine the 'weekly' solutions into 'multi-year' solutions including ITRF + EOP + ICRF, where the resulting ITRF and ICRF are used to produce fully consistent EOP series. The IERS SINEX Combination Campaign will be organized in two major steps: 1. Generation of solutions in SINEX (preferably 'weekly' solutions) for the year 1999 (or more) with station coordinates + EOP (+ ICRF) by the Analysis Centres of the individual techniques (Technique Centres) or other interested groups. 2. Testing and combination of the 'weekly' technique solutions by the IERS Combination Research Centres and other interested groups. Creation of a SINEX data pool (preparation step; done by the IERS Analysis Coordinator): A data pool with SINEX files of the year 1999 of different techniques is already established. It contains - 28-days SLR solutions of eleven ILRS Analysis Centres that originate from the ILRS pilot project 'positioning and earth orientation' - VLBI solutions of all 1999 sessions generated by GSFC and IAA - links to the weekly solutions of the seven IGS Analysis Centres of the appropriate weeks of the year 1999 - weekly DORIS solutions for the year 1999, produced as a joint effort of IGN and JPL - ITRF2000 for each technique - local ties (unfortunately not yet in SINEX format) This data pool is accessible to everybody via the web site of the IERS Analysis Coordinator http://alpha.fesg.tu-muenchen.de/iers/sinex/datapool.html and it will be extended with the solutions contributing to the IERS SINEX Combination Campaign. Generation of SINEX solutions (first step): In the first step of this campaign, the Technique Centres or other interested groups are asked to produce 'weekly' solutions for the year 1999 and deliver them in SINEX format to the IERS: - use ITRF2000 as terrestrial reference frame - do not use tight constraints (use either loose constraints or minimum constraints) - if you use constraints, please submit (free) SINEX solutions as well for testing purposes, to check whether the constraints are completely removable. Please respect the official format definition of SINEX, accessible via the web site of the IERS Analysis Coordinator as well: http://alpha.fesg.tu-muenchen.de/iers/ The submitted solutions will be archived in the SINEX data pool described above and made available to all participating groups for the second step. Combination of SINEX files (second step): The IERS Combination Research Centres and other interested groups test and combine these technique-specific SINEX solutions: - detection of systematic biases between techniques - test of different combination strategies - improvement of strategies, modeling and parameterization The first results may be presented at the IERS Combination Research Workshop in Munich in early November 2002. The presentation of final results and recommendations on strategies, modeling, standards, ... is planned for the EGS General Assembly in Nice 2003. If you are interested in producing and / or combining such SINEX files or contribute to this campaign in any another way, please fill out the attached call for participation form! You can either submit the form via email or you can send us a hardcopy (fax or mail). Please submit your proposal by June 15, 2002! Munich, 27.05.2002 Markus Rothacher, Daniela Thaller IERS Analysis Coordination --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IERS SINEX Combination Campaign Call for Participation Form Recipient: IERS Central Bureau Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie Richard-Strauss-Allee 11 60598 Frankfurt am Main Germany fax: ++49-69-6333-425 email: central_bureau@iers.org or Markus Rothacher IERS Analysis Coordinator Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodaesie Technische Universitaet Muenchen Arcisstr. 21 80333 Muenchen Germany fax: ++49-89-289-23178 email: Markus.Rothacher@bv.tum.de Who is participating? Name (primary scientist): Organization or institute: Mailing address: Phone: Fax: Email: Cooperating organizations / institutes: Research associates: Generation of SINEX solutions (first step): Will you generate SINEX solutions? yes/no What type of SINEX solutions will you produce? Technique (VLBI, GPS, SLR, ...): Time span of all submitted solutions (the whole year 1999 or otherwise): Period covered by each single solution (weekly, monthly, ...): Reference frame used: Constraints used: Reference sites used: Description of solution: Analysis approach used: Comments on your solutions: Suggestions: Combination of SINEX files (second step): Are you interested in combining SINEX solutions? yes/no Proposed analysis (short description): Suggestions: Schedule Deadline for proposals: June 15, 2002 Envisaged deadline for submission of SINEX files (preferably before August 15, 2002): For a more detailed description of your project you can attach your own proposal as file. Attachement: *************************************************************************** IERS Messages are edited and distributed by the IERS Central Bureau. To subscribe or unsubscribe, please write to . Archives: http://www.iers.org/iers/publications/messages/ ***************************************************************************