[ The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set. ] [ Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set. ] [ Some characters may be displayed incorrectly. ] ****************************************************************************** DORISMail 28-Feb-2002 10:21:21 Message No 0170 ****************************************************************************** Author: Laurent Soudarin Subject: Updates of the IDS web site (February 2002) Dear colleagues, Here are some of the news you will find on the IDS web site: Minutes of the last Steering Committee meeting online (http://ids.cls.fr/html/report/reports.html) Monthly coordinates time series from the LEGOS-CLS Analysis Center updated (January 1993 - November 2001) (http://ids.cls.fr/html/doris/legos-cls_solutions.html) Launch of ENVISAT (http://ids.cls.fr/html/doris/news.html) as well as several updates (See "What's new on IDS" and "What's new on DORIS" http://ids.cls.fr ). Regards, IDS Central Bureau ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laurent SOUDARIN Collecte Localisation Satellites - CLS/DED 8-10 Rue Hermès Parc Technologique du Canal 31526 Ramonville Cedex, France Tel : +33 (0)5 61 39 48 49 Laurent.Soudarin@cls.fr Fax : +33 (0)5 61 39 48 06 http://www.cls.fr International DORIS Service http://ids.cls.fr Daily solar activity forecasts http://www.cls.fr/previsol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ Part 2: "Attached Text" ] Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr