****************************************************************************** DORIS Electronic Mail Thu Sep 9 13:04:12 WETDST 1999 Message Number 0081 ****************************************************************************** Author: Donna R. Hofmann Subject: TOPEX/POSEIDON Daily Status TOPEX/POSEIDON Daily Status Originator: Sara Hyman As of: 8 September 1999, 09:00 am PDT, Wednesday UTC: DOY 251/16:00:00, ORBIT 33105 1. Mission operations are continuing with cycle 251 data collection. The satellite is operating well and the TOPEX Ground System is green. The tape recorders have been played back to the ground and all daily data products have been generated. 2. The DORIS instrument was taken out of its normal mission mode last Friday morning at the request of CNES due to some concerns over the ability to determine orbits while in Safehold. Commands were uplinked to the DORIS yesterday afternoon, successfully returning the instrument to a normal tracking mode. 3. The Global Positioning System Demonstration Receiver remains in the INIT mode and will be returned to an operational mode as soon as almanac files are available. Donna R. Hofmann" [Mailed From: Pascal Willis ]