****************************************************************************** DORIS Electronic Mail Fri Jul 30 11:05:30 WETDST 1999 Message Number 0077 ****************************************************************************** Author: Pascal Willis Subject: TIGO announcement for opportunity Please find at http://www.wettzell.ifag.de/tigo the "Announcement of Opportunity - Hosting the Transportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory (TIGO)". TIGO is a fundamental station for geodesy consisting of - radiotelescope for VLBI, - laser telescope for SLR, - GPS-array, - superconducting gravity meter, - seismometer, - meteorological sensors including a water vapour radiometer, - H-masers, cesium and GPS-time standards, - communication facilities just to mention the most important devices. The owner BKG is seeking for partners, who would like to host and jointly operate TIGO preferably in the southern hemisphere for a period of three years. The deadline for applications will be on September 30th, 1999. Please find all the details in the Announcement of Opportunity. Send further questions to schlueter@wettzell.ifag.de . ************************************************************** Wolfgang Schlueter Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie Fundamentalstation Wettzell D-93444 Koetzting, GERMANY Email: hase@wettzell.ifag.de Phone: +49-9941-603-0 Fax: +49-9941-603-222 ************************************************************** [Mailed From: Pascal Willis ]