****************************************************************************** DORIS Electronic Mail Wed Apr 21 16:57:34 WETDST 1999 Message Number 0073 ****************************************************************************** Author: Herve Fagard (IGN/SIMB) Subject: Antenna replacement at Syowa (Antarctica)/ SYPB Dear Colleagues, The DORIS station at Syowa (Antarctica), whose antenna was knocked down by a storm on 3 May 1998 (as announced in the DORIS mail # 48), has been fixed. The very long replacement delay is due to the difficult access to such a remote location. The new antenna has been installed a few meters away from the location of the former one, on a concrete pillar. The beacon's transmissions resumed on January 31. The DOMES number for the new antenna is 66006S003. The acronym in the data files for this new station is : SYPB. The approximate ITRF 96 coordinates, computed by CLS, for the new antenna's reference point are : X = 1766505.76 m Y = 1460267.12 m Z = -5932207.68 m (sigma : 5 cm) Herve Fagard ====================================================================== Herve FAGARD e-mail : herve.fagard@ign.fr Institut Geographique National 94165 SAINT-MANDE CEDEX PHONE : + 33 1 43 98 81 48 FRANCE FAX : + 33 1 43 98 84 50 ====================================================================== [Mailed From: Pascal Willis ]