****************************************************************************** DORIS Electronic Mail Wed Jun 24 12:37:48 WETDST 1998 Message Number 0047 ****************************************************************************** Author: Alfred Piuzzi (CNES/SOD) Subject: cycle 210 Good morning About DORIS for cycle 210 This message is to advise DORIS users to do what they want. A DORIS SEU hapens on day 150 ,1998 at 13h 12 mn . Numerous data were lost until day 153 at 22h 20 mn . In this data file stations as : AREA ,KERB,TLHA,WALA shows bigger RMS than standard value . We have not edited this stations , according the fact of poor data set for this cycle . The file is sent to CDDIS and IERS . Good use. Regards Alfred Piuzzi ( piuzzi@cnes.fr ) [Mailed From: Pascal Willis ]