****************************************************************************** DORIS Electronic Mail Thu Mar 26 20:11:06 WET 1998 Message Number 0039 ****************************************************************************** Author: Murielle Costes (CNES) Subject: SPOT-4 launch/ News release from VCNES CNESS SPOT4 has been launch successfully at 1h40 TU (3h40 Toulouse local time) on march the 24th. Two hours later, DORIS has been switched ON (3h38 TU). As awaited, because the USO frequency doesn't appear instantantly, the RESTART command has been sent to initialise the MVR microprocessor. The first DORIS telemetry has been received thanks to the SATD (DORIS telemetry reception facility) that have been settled in the telemetry reception station of Kiruna (Normay). Then, the DORIS initialization commands have been sent and executed succeffully. In the evening of day D, DORIS was in ATTente mode, making its first measurements. The beacon of Terre Adelie was received first, and then Amsterdam, Colombo, ... On day D+1, DIODE initialization commands have been sent and executed successfully. DORIS was still in ATTente mode, making measurements. DIODE is not yet in service, but an orbit has been calculated on ground an its accuracy is about few meters. First DIODE bulletins will be produced at day +2 in the evening (thursday, 26th). To be continued... Murielle Costes, DORIS system Manager ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pascal Willis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Institut Geographique National ENSG/LAREG Phone: 33-(0)1-6415-3254 6-8 Avenue Blaise Pascal FAX: 33-(0)1-6415-3253 Cite Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne Email: pascal.willis@ensg.ign.fr 77455 Marne-la-Vallee, France WWW: http://lareg.ensg.ign.fr ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mailed From: Pascal Willis ]