****************************************************************************** DORIS Electronic Mail Fri Feb 6 10:58:19 WET 1998 Message Number 0033 ****************************************************************************** Author: Alfred Piuzzi (CNES/SOD) Subject: Doris data , KRAB station on SPOT2 Doris data on SPOT2 satellite are available starting 20 september 1997, for the station KRAB (Krasnoyarks) Provisionnal coordinates from IGN are X= -174262.0 Y= 3571339.5 Z= 5264200.6 The data of this station were forgotten in the first delivery to CDDIS and IGN. A new delivery of Doris data on Spot2 will be done , to add this station for the arcs number: 225 starting september 21 ,1997 226 starting october 1 ,1997 228 starting october 21 ,1997 230 starting november 11 ,1997 231 starting november 21 ,1997 232 starting november 26 ,1997 The new delivery will took place of the previous files,and sent soon. A future dorismail will send out when all these data will be replaced at the IGN and CDDIS IERS Data Centers. Regards A.PIUZZI [Mailed From: Pascal Willis ]