****************************************************************************** DORIS Electronic Mail Wed Jan 7 16:32:50 WET 1998 Message Number 0028 ****************************************************************************** Author: Alfred Piuzzi (CNES/SOD) Subject: Doris data ,topex,november 2, 1997 to DORIS USERS About DORIS data on Topex/Poseidon for cycle 189. Advise to people using Doris data file in quite real time. For data file collected at CDDIS or IGN before december 20 1997. Only for data on day november 2,1997 (day of year 306) Infortunately an error of 2 hours was introduced in the SAEI file (satellite attitude events information) about the date of stop of the ramp down,after a manual update. The SAEI file is used,to compute the data given to CDDIS and IGN . The disorder is a bad attitude law from 14h 44 to 16h44 on day 306. After correction , a new data file was sent to CDDIS and IGN . The right data file is avalaible starting december 21 1997. Sorry for the trouble. Best wishes from CNES POE TEAM . Alfred Piuzzi [Mailed From: Pascal Willis ]