****************************************************************************** DORIS Electronic Mail Fri Jun 13 10:48:14 WETDST 1997 Message Number 0019 ****************************************************************************** Author: Herve Fagard (IGN) Subject: antenna relocation in Hartebeestoech (HBKA-HBLA) Dear Colleagues, The antenna at Hartebeesthoek has been repositioned by the host agency, to allow the fitting of a new roof to the building. Neither the antenna , nor the beacon have been changed. The beacon stopped transmitting on May 26 around 7.00 UTC. The beacon transmissions resumed on May 30, with the new antenna position, whose DOMES number is 30302S005. The acronym in the data files for the new position of the antenna is : HBLA. The new position has been surveyed by a local surveyor. I am waiting for the results. Herve Fagard ====================================================================== Herve FAGARD e-mail : herve.fagard@ign.fr Institut Geographique National B.P. 68 - 94160 SAINT-MANDE PHONE : + 33 1 43 98 81 48 FRANCE FAX : + 33 1 43 98 84 50 ====================================================================== [Mailed From: Pascal Willis ]