****************************************************************************** DORIS Electronic Mail Fri Jun 13 10:44:54 WETDST 1997 Message Number 0018 ****************************************************************************** Author: Herve Fagard (IGN) Subject: antenna change at Amsterdam (AMSA-AMSB) Dear Colleagues, The antenna at Amsterdam has been replaced, because its support looks like it will break. The new Starec antenna (type B) has been installed at a different place, about 20 m from the old antenna, on a concrete pillar. This change took place on April 21. The beacon has NOT been changed. The DOMES number for the new antenna is 91401S002. The acronym in the data files for this new station is : AMSB. Because of the difficult access to this site, the new antenna will not be surveyed before several months. Herve Fagard ====================================================================== Herve FAGARD e-mail : herve.fagard@ign.fr Institut Geographique National B.P. 68 - 94160 SAINT-MANDE PHONE : + 33 1 43 98 81 48 FRANCE FAX : + 33 1 43 98 84 50 ====================================================================== [Mailed From: Pascal Willis ]