Recommendations for actions by the DORIS Pilot Experiment Steering Committee

Evolution of the DORIS system
- Finalize the assessment of recent improvements in the DORIS system 
- What future developments to recommend? 

Information on data
- Distributed observational data: 
  MOE-based preprocessing vs present POE-based preprocessing
- Deliver ENVISAT data at the IDS Data Centers
- Check/extend basic and analysis info available, e.g.
  . local ties between successive beacons in the same site, 
  . agreed list of breaks in time series of station coordinates, 
  . catalogue of corrupted data that should not be used in data analyses.

Priviledged topics for analysis
- Further discuss the treatment of Jason's USO behaviour
- Further develop TRF+EOP combination and unification
- Support ESOC's orbit comparison effort (Spot satellites)
- Initiate 'geocenter'/TRF origin comparison and unification effort
- Encourage more Analysis Centers 

Inter-technique cooperations
- Establish a list of the most reliable DORIS stations (Core network)
- Make more use of DORIS-SLR ground & space colocations
- Establish contacts with ILRS, IVS, IGS about network evolutions
- Consider colocations with SLR and VLBI as an important criterion 
  in managing the evolution of the IDS network