Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 From: (...) Regarding Envisat I would like clarification as to what the CNES (Jean-Paul) and ESA are using for the DORIS offset on ENVISAT. We *don't* use the corrections on The DORIS data, and we see an offset in scale when we test an Envisat time series with ITRF2000 of +35 mm. We apply the offset OFFSET -7.052 -1.085 -1.725 (x,y,z meters) which we obtained from CNES documentation on SPIKE. The analysis by John Dawson here at GA implies this offset should be -1.76 at least maybe even -1.79. Could there be a typo in the documentation file that is on SPIKE? We apply our own offsets on TOPEX and SPOT-2 and have no problems, so somehow the information on ENvisat seems anomalous. Kind regards, Frank Lemoine